In a Class by Ourselves

On Tuesday evening, our hamlet joined together to Congratulate the Graduates of the Class of 2022! The graduates lined up along the Ponquogue Bridge and those who cared to join the celebration drove past shouting their congratulations to these enthusiastic young men...

Petty Fog

It is always interesting, at least to this history buff, how there are people in our past that were very popular, very well known, respected, and written about often, but who then seemingly disappear. Perhaps their descendents still revere them and speak of them. Or...

Memories in Meter

April is soon departing and along with it goes Poetry Month. The authors have been reflecting on poetry; we aren’t sure if it is less popular or if the fact that now we have many options for focusing on whatever subject matter, genre or style of writing instead of...

The Norman Conquest

Women’s History Month has disappeared for this year. But, we find ourselves celebrating a woman of another sort. It has come to our attention that St. Mary’s Episcopal Church just celebrated their 110th Birthday! Congratulations Episcopalians! The Episcopal Church was...

Three Stars for Dolly

Keeping to the Women in History pattern, today we are going to give you a bit of insight into another local lady who some of our older folks may well remember. Dorothea (aka Dorothy) Sophia Puchmuller Francis was born in Laatzen Germany in 1867 and emigrated via...